Friday, January 16, 2009

Volume 1;Chapter 1: The Disappointing Day

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Well, kind of late to make a post but anyway, I feel I have to let out everything in me.

First thing's first, today is a bad day for me. Why? Stressed out by some calculus questions which in my opinion seemed tough. I don't know what my friends would think. To add to that, I spent the whole day attempting them. Really BAD. Even now, I haven't finished them. Even worse, I feel deprived of my personal space today when I had to deal with assignments when I had myself full of those questions. Ugh.....!!! Can't they wait.....???????!!!

Nonetheless, although at first EALD seemed like a tough and demanding subject, it still is though, I am beginning to look forward to those interesting lessons. I personally had a great time studying literature and to learn more about the devices associated with it. I hope our EALD lecturer-Miss Chan, would continue to inspire us students to achieve for glory. PS: She sometimes teaches very fast especially when she thinks we are behind schedule. Quite difficult to keep up with so many words in one second, ha.

Ah, one more thing. I am still a newbie to blogging, in the process of learning how to improve the features of it. So, for sure I would try my best to make it better.

I really do hope the days ahead would not be that tiring on the mind. I would be writing soon, I hope. God bless and GOOD NIGHT.

---> Greatness is achieved when one acknowledges his shortcomings and acts on them.

1 comment:

  1. Dont think too much, just relax, your problems will solve slow.
    Besides that, Ms Chan is really funny.
