Friday, April 17, 2009

Volume 1; Chapter 8: The Enigmatic Life Journey

A period of silence precedes a period of upheaval. A time gone is a time to treasure. So many things in life, such mystery, such agony, such thrill, such excitement, we ourselves who understand Sciences yet can't define our very own existence...

It is said that human conquer this world. Yet we know not what holds in front of us. How paradoxical, what an irony!

Ennui(a word I learnt from Yes Man) fills the air lately. The thrill of fulfillment is so hastily replaced by emptiness of the senses. I know not how to explain it. It's just different from what I've experienced before. Is it grieve? I tend not to think so. Is it a yearning unquenched? I can't say for sure. How about love? Why would that even come up on my mind. What about the problems that weigh me down? Do I have any...?

Perhaps the void is created by circumstances, where putting myself in it leads me to think from it rather than out of it. If it is so, then setting my foot out from the circle should help. Maybe so. Isn't it strange that humans are just so different from any other beings. You come to realise that we are civilized and we think rationally. Still, most of our actions are so frequently governed by emotions rather than calculated moves. Do we consider it similar to instinct? I prefer to say they are two different things, because that is what makes us distinct, isn't it?

Life is weird, it is a labyrinth. We can only see so far before a bend, or even a chicane confronts us. Then, what do we do? Do we take it head on or manoeuvre pass it or even hit the reverse gear. There is only so much we can tell until the day comes.

Till then, God help us....

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