Thursday, April 23, 2009

Volume 1; Chapter 9: The Fragility of Life

A blog is a place where you reveal your thoughts to the world. i have this urge to tell the truth to all of you people out there. But before that, i would like to make a sincere public apology to all my friends whom i've hurt probably through my actions or my attitude. i am a person who speaks little. Sorry that it has turned out to be this way.

Today at approximately 12:00 am, we were cycling around our neighbourhood. Reason being to get some air before we call it a day after mulling over Chemistry. Test is on this very morning itself. There was this BMX sports bike, and it has this extended pair of platform or something protruding from the sides of the wheels. It was just meant to be for fun that one of us would cycle while the other to stand behind. No one thought of the danger it could pose nor foresee what was to come. What happened next was one which made me very regretful and remorseful in all these years.

We were going down a slope with gaining speed, and there was this road bump ahead of us. i thought perhaps we could navigate pass it smoothly, but it wasn't meant to be. Just as the front wheel hit the bump, the front lifted and and as the back wheel does so too, i was jolted from my footing. i lost my step on the protruding platform and my weight shifted towards the cyclist. Coming at high speed against a bump caused the bike to lose its balance too. Added with my unbalanced weight, it started to wobble and as soon as it happened, the bike fell to the right. That moment, insticnt had me to grab on to something, and the few tenths of a second in which everything occured seemed like a long time...

Gravity took over, and we fell sideways onto the tarred road. my hands braced for impact but someone was in front of me. my full weight was added to his, and he had it head on. my fall was cushioned which i rather not have, but instead wished to be apart from him. Not what i wanted. i think he wasn't able to block the fall with his hand as i was behind.

Got ourselves up, me with minor scratches, but him, it looked serious. The subsequent chain of events were traumatic to me in a sense. We walked to 1-4-2, tried cleaning up the injuries. Then, he had slowly drifted into subconsiouness. Assistance arrived and it was chaotic (to me probably). Checked out the first 2 "medical centre" which weren't able to offer much help till adult supervision came to the fore. We went to the 3rd hospital and he got admitted for observations.

Throughout this time, i was silent, more of guilt and shock. i am really sorry this had to happen. i felt like the events which happened deeply involves me, as if i am part of it and not out of it. It is just unthinkable to see this happened especially to such a good friend.

Hereby, i plea that anyone out there to not make up rumours or even jump to their own conclusion without looking at the big picture. Empathy is what we should have. i honestly regret it.

Last post, i wrote on the mystery of life, now it seems like life itself too is delicate. Got me thinking for a while there, life certainly is precious. It may seem long but you can't deny that it's short. Perhaps, we should really treasure all the moments we have here before we part ways to our own future careers. Be a friend even to those who are despised and maybe one day you are going to reap the rewards in unimaginable ways.

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