Monday, June 8, 2009

Volume 1; Chapter 16: Techno dependency

Have you ever had such a bad day in which every piece of technology fails before you? Perhaps not all technology but how about just your handphone and your laptop or pc? I bet you'll go haywire and panic stricken. That happened to me! on 25th May 2009. Speaking of coincidence...

On that morning itself, my laptop's display was blank although hard disk was running. To add to that, my handphone could not make outgoing calls or sms for that matter. Terrible. It left me so disgusted that I couldn't do anything that morning, could not even begin my revision...

What does this show? Well, simple. It shows that without technology, we simply can't do things. Imagine waking up one morning and everything is manual labour with nothing to assist you. You have no stove, you build fire. You have no car, you walk to work. You have no laptop, you write. You have no handphones, you find people to convey information.

It would seem pathetic. That's why, should technology really fail one day, by all means anticipate the worst. Chaos in a systematic world.

Therefore, learn to live like you're in the stone age...
Just a thought.

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