Hehe. It seems all too weird that I should start this post with Hehe. However, there is a reason. You want to know why? Because this blog has remained stagnant for some time now. So this is a little touch up I'm giving to this blog.
What outing? Oh yeah, the one all of us went to yesterday. The steamboat outing. I wonder why they call it steamboat, not that it resembles one (maybe lah if viewed from the side). Anyway, I'm certain this would be one of the many to come. Simply because the time spent together after a week of huff and puff is exceptional. As if in the past week, we were all emotionally detached into our own world of learning, oblivion to the happenings around. Then, it was the time where all things become unwound.
Me, am not a hard-core fan of steamboat, honestly speaking. But then again, it's not the steamboat which counts, it's the people. Humans are a sociable lot. Communication is the internet of human networking. That's what draws us together and that's what bonds us together. And I'm sure most of us who went to the steamboat, went not with the reason to dig in, but with the very reason to share an experience together, as friends and more than pals. To live and enjoy the moment that rarely we can find.
Come to think of it, wouldn't that make the chain of topic tests a blessing in disguise. All the hard work makes the outing really worthwhile. You carry within yourself the sense of release as you draw back from your hectic life and just ponder a moment on what really matters in life. I sincerely thank the organisers here, for this event. There is also another factor which I have to account for. I would not neglect the fact that all those present make it even more successful. Their efforts just to turn up speaks much of what they think and feel.
Indeed, the next thing I am anticipating for would be the second grand outing. We know not where it comes from, or where it goes from here, but we hold inside us with hope and joy.
The Cost Is Overshadowed By The Earnestness Of The Heart.
i'm waiting for the next great outing too! Whenever and wherever that is. The people matters.